Friday 25 March 2011

World's Biggest Bulldozer

When it comes to bulldozing, bigger really is better. The bigger the dozer the more efficiently they work and the more aggregate they can shove. The World's biggest and most powerful (production) Bulldozer is the D575A-3SD built by Komatsu in Ishikawa, Japan. Standing 16 feet tall, 41 feet long and 24 feet wide the D575A-3SD is the king of power when it comes to shifting aggregate. When the need arises to clear away large amounts of rubble, rock or earth then the D575A-3SD is the machine of choice.

World Smallest Living Baby

She was 9 in long when she was born and weighed under 8 oz, about the weight of a fizzy drink can or a mobile phone. She made her parents cry, lying there all wrinkly, hooked up to the wires and the oxygen, dwarfed by her incubator and less than half the size of her twin. But Rumaisa Rahman, born 14 weeks early, battled for life and claimed her place in the record books as the smallest baby known to survive. She and her sister, Hiba, who weighed just 1lb 4oz at birth but is now a healthy 5lb, were delivered on September 19, 2004 by Caesarean section near Chicago. Doctors took the agonizing decision to deliver them at just twenty-five weeks and six days because their mother was suffering from such high blood pressure that her life, and the life of the twins she was carrying, were at risk. The gamble paid off. Rumaisa, broke a 15-year-old record set by a baby at the same hospital whose birth weight was just under 10 oz.

World Smallest House

Jay Shafer is the creator and resident of the smallest house in the world, which he has proudly named Tumbleweed. Jay is an artist and architect and lives in his home near San Francisco. He sells plans and builds tiny homes in sizes ranging from an extremely small 50 square feet to a practically roomy 500 square feet. Jay has been living in a house smaller than some people's closets since 1997. Jay's decision to inhabit just 96 square feet arose from his concerns he had about the impact a larger house would have on the environment, and because he does not want to maintain a lot of unused or unusable space.

World Smallest Poisonous Frog

He is less than a centimeter long and is gripping for all its worth to the tip of a pencil. But don't be fooled by the size of this baby ‘poison dart' frog, its skin is 200 times more toxic than morphine. The frogs, among the most poisonous amphibians on the planet, are found only in the wild on the western slopes of the Andes in Ecuador, South America. But now dozens of the rare species have been bred at the Blue Reef Aquarium in Portsmouth, Hampshire. When adult, they turn bright red with three usually greenish fluorescent stripes, but grow to only a centimeter in length.

A Man With Half Head